Lidia Efimova, deputy director of Labor resources center of St. Petersburg, opened the meeting and addressed the audience with a welcome speech, wished all the participants productive work and interested discussion of topical issues.
Among the speakers of the event were representatives of the State Labor Inspectorate in St. Petersburg, the Office of the Federal Tax Service of Russia in St. Petersburg and the employment Center of St. Petersburg and also employers from the sphere of public catering, construction, manufacturing, etc.
The participants of the round table discussed a number of topical issues:
- Results of the survey of enterprises that attract foreign workers to work, conducted on the instructions of the Committee on labor and employment of the population of St. Petersburg.
- Recommendations on drawing up employment contracts (based on the results of the analysis of employment contracts submitted during the survey of enterprises that attract foreign citizens to work).
- The main requirements of labor protection on employers during inspections.
- Changes in tax legislation in 2019-2020.
- Opportunities to attract citizens of the Russian Federation, which living in other regions of the Russia.
- Possible ways to attract vacant jobs by citizens of St. Petersburg, including through the use of labor of pensioners, persons with disabilities, minors in their free time, students. Professional retraining and qualification improvement of employees.
- Changes in the migration legislation of the Russian Federation.
- Exchanged of views with employers on the results of the survey, discussed of proposals for possible directions and programs for filling vacant jobs, answered to questions and summed it up.
During the round table, the speakers answered questions from participants and representatives of organizations, exchanged views on the results of the survey and summed up the results.